Sick from Stress
A parent never stops worrying about their children. Sometimes this worry can cause illness. A mom learned that her son was arrested for having drug paraphernalia in his car. Initially, she handled it quite well but then she found that she couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus during the day, was getting a headache on the right side–never has headaches, her nasal passages began to swell and she thought she was getting a cold–became a mouth breather. She also had a strange stiffness on the right side of her neck and diarrhea. She actually called in sick. After a week of these symptoms, she called an Emotion Code practitioner–me.
The following trapped emotions were released: heartache (as expected), forlorn–heart, depression–right side of brain, insecurity–intestines, sadness–nose, shame–right side of neck. Within one hour this mom began feeling better. Her nose began to run within minutes and the headache disappeared. The next morning she felt so much better and was able to sleep for the first time in many days. Now, her son still has charges and will suffer the consequences but she has become more able to cope with this situation. Get relief from the pains in life!