My Mean Little Sister!

I recently met a newly retired teacher who stated she has had lower back pain most of her adult life.  I asked if she had been in a car accident.  No, she had not.  Any falls down stairs?  No to that, as well.  Did she have any old athletic injuries?  No, to that also.  So, I offered to work on her and in our conversation she mentioned that she was tormented by her younger sister.  I asked her how she was tormented.  She went on for about 30 minutes on how she couldn’t win at checkers or other games because she got accused of cheating and would get spanked.  While she was sobbing in the bathroom into a towel, her sister stood outside the bathroom pointing and laughing at her.  If something broke, the sister would run to mom and say big sister broke it and again the spanking and laughing.  When her sister cut her own hair, she said her older sister did it.  Halloween candy got stolen, again older sister took it.  Whenever something got lost–you guessed it–older sister got blamed.  So I wondered if this would show up in the energy work.

As I began to release emotions for the lower back, most of them fell between the ages of 7 through 12.  As each trapped emotion was released, I asked if this is attached to her younger sister and the subconscious said yes.  Out of the 12 trapped emotions released, 8 were attached to her younger sister.  Some of the trapped emotions were: grief, crying, heartache, betrayal, frustration, insecurity.  That seems to fit, right?  Initially, this teacher couldn’t tell if the lower back pain was better or not because it usually occurred when she stood for a long time.  However, after a few weeks she did tell me that the lower back pain was almost completely gone.  As a bonus, she said when she had memories come back about her childhood, she no longer got upset about how she was treated by her younger sister.   She still had the memory but without the painful emotions.  These events happened over 50 years ago and she was still carrying the painful trapped emotions. To make it worse, they were causing health problems. She laughed and said that she had always referred to her little sister as “A Pain” but didn’t realize that there was a literal correlation!

A few weeks later I asked her if she and her sister were getting along.  The answer was a strong, “NO.”  Apparently, the energy work released trapped emotions but by choice the relationship was too damaged to be repaired at this point.  The younger sister has spent a lifetime attacking the older sister and being unable to work for others, as well.  Sometimes, we just walk away for self-protection.