Anger Was Controlling Me
A 52 year old man got notice to be deployed to the Middle East. At his age he had hoped to no longer be deployed and away from his family 6 months or more. When we asked him if he could ask to remain state-side, he stated, “Undeployable equals Unemployable.” He found himself getting angry over every disappointment in life. Grocery store was out of his item. The gas in the car was near empty. The stop light was too long. His wife got home late from work. Her parents were coming for dinner AGAIN?
His wife asked for energy work not knowing what was going on. After two sessions, the unreasonable anger seemed to subside a great deal. It was very noticeable. After a few more sessions, he felt like a different person and shared that his childhood was a nightmare. The majority of his trapped emotions were between the ages of 5-12. The spontaneous anger has not returned. He requested his Heart Wall to be released. It was huge and is about 80% gone.