Cancel My Therapy, Please!
A close friend of mine has suffered emotionally from the effects of sexual abuse as a child by her mother’s boyfriend over 30 years. This has resulted in her making poor decisions as an adult and being used by people in her life. She is now on an upswing and graduated from college. Her present husband is a rock of support. She has been going weekly to a therapist for 12 years–same day–same time. After 9-10 Emotion Code sessions over a span of 7 months, she stated how much this has helped her. She is not only stronger emotionally but her family has noticed that she is calmer and less intense. The ups and downs seem to be gone. Tonight, she told me that she told her therapist, “I appreciate all the help you have been to me for 12 years, but my friend using Emotion Code has released so much from me that I really don’t have anything to talk about now.” The bad memories are no longer stirring up intense emotions and she doesn’t feel the need to talk about past events. The interesting thing is that her emotions were not the priority, her aches and pains were. I am very happy that she found something to make her life more enjoyable and more peaceful.