Welcome to the Wonderful World of Emotion Code/Body Code–Emotional and Physical Healing! 

It is probably not a coincidence that you are on this site reading this.  Wouldn’t it feel wonderful to let go of excess baggage that you have been dragging around way too long?  Old guilt?  Former hurts?  Disappointments or even abuse?  Those painful memories from the past that still seem to haunt us don’t need to remain.  Let them go.  The Emotion Code was created and developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson who has found a painless technique to release old emotional baggage from our past. Nelson, a holistic chiropractor, has bypassed talk therapy and gone directly to the source, the subconscious, to release painful emotions. Nelson then expanded this knowledge with Body Code.

What is a Trapped Emotion?

Trapped Emotions are invisible, harmful, spinning energies that irritate body tissue.  They can be the size of an apple or even a cantaloupe.  This irritation can cause emotional pain, physical pain and illnesses. They can also damage relationships.  When we have an extreme emotion, the vibration of that emotion can become stuck in us.  It has its “on” button active at all times ready to pounce.  When we experience that same emotion at a later time, since it is on standby, we tend to rush to that emotion quickly and more intensely.  If that is anger, we get more angry than the situation may warrant.  If it is sadness, we slip into sorrow quickly.  Let’s get rid of them!

With each trapped emotion that is released painlessly, the body can then heal that void by replacing the negative energy with more positive energy.  That is the healing that occurs within you.  And the bonus is that the on switch is now off.  The results can be subtle or somewhat dramatic but the release of these harmful trapped emotions is permanent!  That’s right.  They do not return.  What does that mean for you?  Less worry, less stress, more happiness and more contentment.  We hear on the news how damaging stress is to our lives.  Trapped emotions are the stress.

How did I get trapped emotions?

That is quite easy.  We experience something, see something or hear something throughout our lives.  Some emotions come and leave quickly but some get stuck.  What is surprising is that an event doesn’t even have to happen to us for an emotion to be trapped within us.  For example, you tiptoe downstairs to watch the television show your parents are watching.  They would never let you watch this horror film but they don’t know you are there.  You see something terrifying and it gets trapped within you.  It was a movie and didn’t actually happen to you but it can still become trapped within you and haunt you.  You may now become afraid of the dark or to sleep alone.  Or, you are driving down the interstate and see a serious car accident with gruesome results.  One person in the passing car may just let it go, another may become affected more and become afraid to drive and have nightmares.

The subconscious records emotional traumas and they are in our file cabinet permanently until removed.  As a child you may have watched your father hit your mother, your neighbor beat his dog, your sister fell down a flight of stairs, you were the target of bullying or watched a friend be bullied, your grandmother suddenly died, you lost your favorite kitten, someone robbed your home, your best friend committed suicide.  These are all permanently recorded within your subconscious whether you “remember” them or not.

What are energies?

Everything around us is energy.  Our body, trapped emotions, furniture, walls, flooring, clothes, and nature are all made of energy.  Everything!  We are energy and we are surrounded by many forms of energy that have either more space or less space between the molecules.  Magnets are also energy.  When a trapped emotion is named, it is put on notice and on a runway for removal just like a plane awaiting permission for take off.  Magnetic energy then releases it by magnifying the energy along the governing meridian.  Trapped emotions are literally pulled up and out, one at a time, painlessly.  These negative energies have left you forever.  Can I get more?  Yes, but those specific trapped emotions are gone forever.  A shield can be placed around you to protect from more negative energies entering.

What is a Heart Wall?

We’ve all been through painful experiences and don’t want to go through them a second time.  So we protect ourselves in various ways.  We can try to avoid the person that is hurtful to us.  Sometimes, we pretend that they are not hurting us and try to fool ourselves and them.  We may change jobs to avoid pain or move to a better neighborhood.  But, if family is causing the pain, it is more difficult.  There are some situations where we just have to protect ourselves and survive so we build a wall for protection…a Heart Wall.

Heart Walls serve a noble purpose.  90-95% of the world’s population has a Heart Wall and it serves as our armor to protect us.  How handy, right?  Well, there is a downside.  Once the abusive person or frightening situation are gone, the Heart Wall remains standing like an empty egg shell protecting nothing necessary.  Plus, it is blocking our view of a wonderful world.  Once it is no longer needed, it can be a negative to keep it.

A Heart Wall doesn’t come down by itself.  It has to be taken down one trapped emotion at a time.  Would you want that tall fence still up if that obnoxious neighbor moved and now it prevents you from a beautiful view?  Who wants to live in a 1960s bomb shelter when you can have bright sunshine pouring into your light and airy home?  A policeman takes off his bullet-proof vest when he enters his home because he no longer needs to protect himself.  However, if you are in the middle of a very abusive situation, you may still need your Heart Wall or at least a part of it.

Can Heart Walls Be a Negative Force?

Yes, they can.  A Heart Wall distorts communication and can not only keep the bad out but the good, as well.  If a Heart Wall is quite tall and thick which many are, communication can become distorted.  For example, I can say something that is as sweet as a little bunny.  But, by the time it travels through my Heart Wall and gets distorted, what comes out can sound like an ugly monster.  Therefore, what people hear is often not what we meant to say.  They don’t hear what we mean.  The message got scrambled.  It can also prevent you accepting someone’s love or prevent your love from being sent to someone.  These are good reasons to take down a Heart Wall.

Many individuals claim they get along with people much better after their Heart Wall is taken down.  That is because words are now heard in the way they were intended and love energy can freely flow.  Please read my blog entries which give real world experiences clients have had with The Emotion Code and Body Code.  You too can experience more peace and joy in your life.

To learn more about The Emotion Code, press How Does it Work Be sure to read the Blogs to see how The Emotion Code has helped so many people.

Nothing on our website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional immediately.

Angelic Healing Code